The Planetary Civics Inquiry envisions a future governed by principles of planetary stewardship and governance. Driven by conviction and a clear vision, we aim to expand global thinking and governance through the lens of the planetary as interconnected systems and their entanglements.

Read our Position Paper

Join us on Feb 26th 2025 for the official launch.


In the next 10x100 days, we strive to achieve significant milestones towards planetarity as a frame of action, influencing public policy, creating a governance framework for complex ecosystems, and building a planetary civics alliance for a new knowledge economy and more regenerative futures.


Our planet faces multiple interconnected and cascading crises, unstoppable within current modes of global governance, and given national borders. From climate change to pandemics, the disruption is inherently planetary in nature and requires new transnational alliances and frameworks to address the scale and scope of related challenges. These are urgently needed as without them, we risk a policy vacuum, ineffective governance and competing (unmanaged) interests leading to tensions and potentially conflict.
We use the term ‘planetary’ explicitly to distinguish from ‘global’ concepts, which define the world in systems of bounded territories and extensions of the nation-state. Planetary systems invite us to think beyond borders and invoke the indivisible relationship between the human, more-than-human and the natural world.

The vast scope of hyper-planetary objects makes them challenging to comprehend relative to human scale and imagination. Yet, this shift in thinking challenges us to actively and creatively engage with a future governed by principles of planetary stewardship and radical civics, and to interrogate the link between the planetary, sovereignty and security.

Committed to more effective ways of governance for shared and regenerative futures, we strive to contribute to a deeper understanding and navigation in relation to planetary-scale commons, civics and governance entanglements.


Our approach is multifaceted, involving strategic design, organising multi-stakeholder processes, adopting radical civics cartography to encourage real-world politics, working within biophysical boundaries and building infrastructure for collaboration and innovation.
By leveraging, navigating and braiding together a vast community beyond our immediate networks - each with different politics and cultures of working, thinking, learning and being - we develop, apply and evaluate planetary governance and radical civic practices and strategies.

Working Towards Our Intention, we act as a quality assurance entity and facilitators, focusing on making breakthrough advancements and persuading influential people and organisations to adopt these strategies.
Planetary diagram showing commons, threats and critical infra
Planetary diagram showing commons, threats and critical infra

Engaging with Hyper-Objects1

Our work is rooted in the design of radical civics frameworks as well as rigorous experimentation around what we term "hyper-objects" — vast, complex systems that transcend traditional human understanding and geographical boundaries.

These creative experiments are designed to explore ethically innovative governance approaches and practices that can uncover viable strategies to scale across different regions and contexts. In combination with complementary design studios, they define our research portfolio.

This portfolio aims to enhance our collective ability to re-imagine, manage and adapt to the nature of living systems and interconnected risks. We serve as initiators and facilitators to set up and connect different outcomes to a new knowledge economy that underpins regenerative futures.

Fashion and Flows

Oceans Research and Climate Network (ORCA)

River Cities

Reimagining Knowledge, Practice & Policy

As strategically aligned partners, we strive towards weaving emerging opportunities into a comprehensive research framework that iterates theory and practice by focusing on real-world applications in combination with the development of new technologies and methodologies.

The research conducted through this program will not only deepen our understanding of planetary entanglements but also test and refine tools that can enhance current governance, innovation and design frameworks.

We are committed to cultivate a reliable interface to support a shift of the "Overton window" in public policy and interrogate the link between planetary civics, security and sovereignty.

Fashion and Flows

Oceans Research and Climate Network (ORCA)

River Cities

Establishing an Applied Research Program

Planetary Civics Inquiry is dedicated to designing, developing, facilitating and synthesising a comprehensive collection of ideas, evidence, case studies, and frameworks to set new agendas for thriving planetary futures.

Our approach includes gathering data, engaging with experts across various disciplines, and publishing insightful discussion papers that highlight the interconnectedness of more-than-human living systems.

This work serves as a critical foundation for developing pathways and policies that are not only responsive and proactive, but also inclusive and care-full in fostering planetary care and stewardship in climate change.

Fashion and Flows

Oceans Research and Climate Network (ORCA)

River Cities


We are an alliance that includes researchers, thinkers, educators, strategic designers, policymakers, political strategists, lawyers, scientists, artists, technologists, activists and field-based practitioners. United by our commitment, we work towards transforming the fundamental structures and processes in caring for our planet and collective futures.
Parter logos
Parter logos

How can you contribute?

To build a community of wider interest, we are currently focused on partnerships in three areas ① knowledge to action, ② diverse funding models and ③ radical experiments. Additionally, we commit to holding a public online conversation every 100 days, which interested individuals can sign up for.

For more information, to join our initiative, or to collaborate with us, please reach out through our contact page. We are looking forward to working with you towards thriving planetary futures.

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What is planetary governance?

Planetary governance refers to systems of rules, practices, and processes that aim to manage and protect the Earth's interconnected living systems. In Mbembe’s The Earthly Community or La communauté terrestre, he notes that “Life builds and rebuilds on the basis of the links that we are continually establishing between all figures of being. What matters is that room be made for all and that no one be excluded”.

Why have we started this initiative?

We've launched this initiative to address the urgent need for effective planetary-level governance that can safeguard interconnected living systems and their entanglements. Our world faces unprecedented challenges that require collaborative, informed, and innovative approaches to governance, transcending traditional boundaries and paradigms.

What are “Overton windows”?

  • Demonstrate the practical application of planetary as a frame of action.
  • Influence public policy and multilateral spaces by shifting “Overton windows.”
  • Support the creation of a governance framework for complex ecosystems and knowledge-based action networks.
The Overton window is a concept in political science referring to the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time. Our work seeks to demonstrate new ways of understanding and embedding social change for thriving planetary futures.

What is strategic design?

Strategic design applies design principles to organise multi-stakeholder change processes. It's a method we use to ensure our initiatives are impactful, user-oriented, and capable of influencing significant systemic change.

What are we already doing?

We are currently:
  • Compiling a comprehensive stack of relevant concepts, evidence, and proposals to guide planetary governance.
  • Writing research papers, running research design studios, etc.
  • Serving as initiators, facilitators and quality assurance entities for initiatives aligned with our mission.

What are we not doing?

We are not acting as a sole entity trying to implement all solutions independently. Instead, we acknowledge the need for large-scale action and collaboration, aiming to serve as catalysts and facilitators rather than the primary executors of all initiatives.

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